Saturday, August 28, 2010


Society Bakery runs contests on Facebook...a chance to win a free treat!  I always miss out on the contest, but yesterday there was a change in the good luck tide.  I just so happened to sign in on my Facebook page when I saw a post from Society Bakery stating that they would give everyone who commented in two minutes a free cupcake or whoopie pie.  I looked at the time, and only a minute had passed.  I couldn't believe it...really?  I left a quick "me, me me" and happily waited until I saw their "Done" posted.  I actually won!  Lil ol' me won!  I printed off the thread (as was instructed to do).  I made my way to the bakery this afternoon.  Oh, all the delightful flavors...saw the yummy Key Lime that I had so loved on my last visit, but I knew I had to try something different.  Chocolate was sounding pretty good, and I found a chocolate on chocolate on chocolate cupcake called Brooklyn Blackout.  I thought, yes, I'll use my freebie for this chocolate wonder.  I handed over my paper, pointed to my name, and off I went to the other side where I ordered up a Cafe Mocha at Corner Market.  The cupcake was even more delish than it looked.  I was afraid all the chocolate would be a bit too rich, even for me, but I was pleasantly surprised.  The chocolate cake had just a hint of sweetness, but I picked up a buttery note more than anything.  Combine that with a chocolate, fudgey center and sweet chocolate icing...well, it was an exciting experience that my taste buds were thanking me for.  The chocolate slices on top were just an added bonus.  I left there feeling full of joy!  Thanks to Society Bakery for treating me to this cupcake and making my day a bit brighter!  Be sure to Like Society Bakery's Facebook page for your chance to win.

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