Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Pearl Cup

I have read all the rave reviews on The Pearl Cup Espresso Bar in Dallas, and I'm happy to say that I get to write my own rave review now that I have visited the place that has been voted "Best Coffee in Dallas". Located on Henderson, this little jewel has outdoor seating (for those of you who want to invite your canine friends). Being that it is summer, I opted for the indoor seating...right at the bar. The Pearl Cup defines cool with its nouveau lounge feel, orange countertop with white leather barstools and round globe lights hanging down. The crowd I mixed with on this particular afternoon was artsy, serious-minded about their coffee as well as their laptops. I was the loner walking in with old-fashioned books tucked under my arm. I feared taking a table away from one who has a laptop, so I sat myself at the orange counter where I was greeted by a barista who suggested I try the Signature Pearl Cup Latte, their most popular drink. Well, one taste of this beauty and I knew why it was the choice coffee. I took another sip; it was near perfection! Starbucks who? I have never tasted a latte as delicious and flavorful as the Signature Pearl Cup. I admit that my sweet tooth was whispering, hmmm, this may need a little sweetener. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to add anything to a drink as close to perfection as this for fear of ruining the secret success. My barista was engaging, answering all of my questions. The machines behind the counter were serious and told you this place means business when it comes to coffee! I loved the concrete floor which blende nicely with the partial brick wall doned with pictures. Windows finished out the room allowing plenty of natural light in. The Pearl Cup is definately for the coffee connoisseur, and I highly recommend you visit!

1 comment:

  1. From The Pearl Cup...
    @Passion4Pastrys thanks for the review! We appreciate your support. http://passion4pastries.... 7 minutes ago reply
